Child Support Services Division

Child Support Guideline Calculator

Step 4: Calculating 's Adjusted Gross Income

's $

Is the self-employed?

     Enter the Social Security tax due and payable: $

     Enter the Medicare tax due and payable: $

Does pay alimony to in this case?
     Enter the total yearly amount of alimony that actually paid to in this case: $

Does receive alimony from anyone?

     Enter the total yearly amount alimony that actually received from any person: $

Child Support Orders:
Is the payor in any other child support orders?

     Enter the total yearly amount of child support actually paid by : $

Do(es) the child(ren) receive SSDI derivative benefits through ? (This does not include SSI benefits received in the child's own name)

     Enter the total yearly SSDI derivative benefits actually received by the child(ren) through : $

Support for Additional Children Living at Home:
Does have any children living in 's home that has a legal duty to support? (excluding the child(ren) in this case)

     Enter the number of children in 's home that has a legal duty to support: (excluding the child(ren) in this case)